Avis Momeni
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Author Profile
Avis MOMENI Is a Senior Environmentalist Technician, graduated from University Institute of Technology, UBO, Brest- France-1988. Certificated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on low radioactive waste management, Istanbul-Turquey, 1998.
He is an ICT advocate researcher and GisWatch Co-author. Certificated by Diplo-foundation on internet governance, and Freedom House fellow on internet governance. He is APC member and AFDEC coalition member #AfricanInternetrights.
Member of national IGF committee, and Rapporteur at AIGF events in Sudan-2018 and Chad-2019.
Consortium member producing disinformation tracker LEXOTA : https://lexota.org/
Secretary General of organization named PROTEGE QV, wich means Promotion of Technologies that Guarantee Environment and Better Quality of Life, based in Yaounde- Cameroon, involve in ICT issues and capacity building since 2003, https://www.protegeqv.org
He is an ICT advocate researcher and GisWatch Co-author. Certificated by Diplo-foundation on internet governance, and Freedom House fellow on internet governance. He is APC member and AFDEC coalition member #AfricanInternetrights.
Member of national IGF committee, and Rapporteur at AIGF events in Sudan-2018 and Chad-2019.
Consortium member producing disinformation tracker LEXOTA : https://lexota.org/
Secretary General of organization named PROTEGE QV, wich means Promotion of Technologies that Guarantee Environment and Better Quality of Life, based in Yaounde- Cameroon, involve in ICT issues and capacity building since 2003, https://www.protegeqv.org