Internet rights
2014 - Communications surveillance in the digital age

Online surveillance, security and privacy are concerns that have been central to human rights activists for years – but with the recent revelations by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden of United States (US) government spying on citizens, the issues have reached global attention.
Internet rights that went wrong in Turkey

This report presents an up-to-date assessment of internet rights in Turkey, and has been prepared to coincide with the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 which is being hosted by Turkey in Istanbul from 2–5 September 2014. The IGF is a space that strives for a democratic and inclusive internet and this report assesses the Turkish government’s respect for international human rights standards in relation to freedom of expression online.
GISWatch print editions now available on-demand
Two of the most recent print editions of Global Information Society Watch are now available for on-demand ordering. Activists, academics and policy makers are encouraged to order copies of “Internet rights and democratisation” and “The internet and corruption” through a new, online service.
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Secrecy, privacy and transparency: The balance between state responsibilities and human rights
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2012 update on action steps for selected countries of GISWatch 2011
The 2012 update on action steps for selected countries of GISWatch 2011, conducted with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, looks back at progress in freedom of expression and association for 10 countries: Jamaica, Rwanda, Lebanon, Romania, Indonesia, Cameroon, Argentina, Brazil, India and Nigeria.