"There is genuine need for the new spaces opened by this project , which at the same time sharing different country experiences building plat form for solidarity and supporting different communities to share their challenges and to show the state violations of its international HR obligation. The report development for me is a learning process and opportunity to meet other activists and defenders from different country sharing the same values and principles"
- Liemia Eljaili Abubkr - Freelance Journalist - Sudan – GISWatch author
"the GISWatch is a magical space for learning, knowledge sharing and advocacy. Stakeholders should use this to help implement the human right-based approach to programming"
- Pacôme Sênoudé Tomètissi, POPDEV Bénin, Benin – GISWatch author
""This is a very useful tool that will catalyze citizens' action in tracking and monitoring internet related policy making processes and initiatives""
- Yunusa Zakari Ya'u, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), Nigeria, GW author