Javier Landinelli

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7 years

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Javier Landinelli has a degree in Sociology, graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic (UdelaR), Uruguay. He holds a Postgraduate Specialization in Communication Strategies at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay.

He is an Associate Researcher at the Observatory of Information and Communication Technologies (Faculty of Social Sciences, UdelaR). He is a researcher and teacher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Aging - Interdisciplinary Space - UdelaR. He has researched on: the virtual links in the development of the interpersonal relationships of young people; ICT and older adults; Open Government; ICT-mediated Citizen Engagement; He has several publications. He recently published "ICT-mediated Citizen Engagement - Case Study: Open Government National Action Plan in Uruguay", within the framework of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV). He has been coordinator and speaker in different Congresses of Sociology in Uruguay.

From 2014 to the present, he works at the National Evaluation and Monitoring Department (DINEM) at the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES).