Sally Burch
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Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI)
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Author Profile
Sally Burch is a British-Ecuadorian journalist, executive director of ALAI (Agencia Latinoamericana de Información). She is co-facilitator of the ‘Internet Ciudadana’ (people’s internet) initiative in Latin America and a
member of the Just Net Coalition steering committee. She was co-coordinator of the civil society Content and Themes Group during the Geneva phase of WSIS (2002-2003) and an active participant in the CRIS Campaign (Communication Rights in the Information Society). In 1993-5, she was coordinator of the APC Women’s Networking Support Program. She has published numerous articles on communications, digital technologies and social movement networking.
member of the Just Net Coalition steering committee. She was co-coordinator of the civil society Content and Themes Group during the Geneva phase of WSIS (2002-2003) and an active participant in the CRIS Campaign (Communication Rights in the Information Society). In 1993-5, she was coordinator of the APC Women’s Networking Support Program. She has published numerous articles on communications, digital technologies and social movement networking.