Tobias Schonwetter
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African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) Project
South Africa
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Author Profile
Dr. Schonwetter is affiliated to the University of Cape Town (UCT) Intellectual Property Law and Policy Research Unit. He studied and practised law in Germany and the United States, and holds PhD and LLM degrees from UCT. Schonwetter's PhD thesis at UCT was on copyright-related issues, with a specific focus on copyright limitations and exceptions. He was awarded with the UCT Research Fellowship Award for his doctoral studies. Schonwetter is also the legal lead of Creative Commons South Africa (ccSA). Before commencing his role as Co-Principal Investigator for Open A.I.R., Schonwetter was the South Africa lead researcher and a Principal Investigator for the African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) project. Schonwetter has written numerous articles on copyright law and has spoken at various national and international conferences on this topic.