Josephine Miliza

Member for

6 years 5 months

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TunapandaNET Community Network | KICTANET



Author Profile

Josephine Miliza is a digital rights advocate focusing on affordable and meaningful access in Africa. She has a background in network engineering and is passionate about enabling communities in Africa to leverage digital technologies for socio-economic empowerment. She is currently the Africa regional coordinator for the APC-LOCNET project working under KICTANET and Co-Founder TunapandaNET CN.

Josephine started working on TunapandaNET a community network in 2016. The community network focuses on promoting access for all, adoption of digital technologies and ICT capabilities for the local community.

In 2019, she joined KICTANET as the Africa Regional Coordinator for the Association of Progressive Communications(APC) Local Access Networks(LOCNET) project. LOCNET aims to contribute an enabling ecosystem for the emergence and growth of community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives in developing countries.

She has become a champion for promoting the community networks movement in Africa participating in organizing the Africa community networks summit, awareness building, and capacity building forums. Her current interests are in bottom-up sustainable connectivity models and creative approaches to an enabling environment that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation especially for youth and women in Africa.