Indra de Lanerolle
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Member for
10 years 1 monthFirst name
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de Lanerolle
University of Witwatersrand
South Africa
Author Profile
Indra is an experienced independent media and communications specialist. He is a Visiting Researcher at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg where he leads the South African Network Society project and the Internet and Mobile for Change project. He is a member of the World Internet Project, co-ordinated by the Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California.
He has consulted to and worked with a number of leading organisations in the private, public and non-profit sectors in South Africa and Internationally including BBC (London), eTV, FIFA Local Organising Committee, GAVI Alliance (Washington DC), Multichoice SA, Open Society Foundation of South Africa, Research ICT Africa, South African Broadcasting Corporation, South African National Department of Heath, Telkom SA, Times Media (formerly Avusa), Unilever.
He has consulted to and worked with a number of leading organisations in the private, public and non-profit sectors in South Africa and Internationally including BBC (London), eTV, FIFA Local Organising Committee, GAVI Alliance (Washington DC), Multichoice SA, Open Society Foundation of South Africa, Research ICT Africa, South African Broadcasting Corporation, South African National Department of Heath, Telkom SA, Times Media (formerly Avusa), Unilever.