Muthuri Kathure
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ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa
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Author Profile
Muthuri Kathure is a lawyer and a programme manager. He is the Senior Programme Officer- Civic Space at Article 19 Eastern Africa. He is responsible for ensuring that Article 19 plays a crucial role in promoting an enabling legal and policy environment for people's participation in shaping their societies in the Eastern African Region. Additionally, he supports the Digital Rights program and coordinates fundraising in the Eastern Africa regional office. He also serves as a member of the Oversight Group at Africa Internet Rights Alliance (AIRA).
Previously he was the Legal Aid Manager at Justice defenders (formerly African Prison Project (APP)), a UK based Charity organization operating in Kenya, UK, Gambia and Uganda. In his role, he oversaw the establishment of 12 prison based legal aid clinics, training of over 150 prison officers and inmates as paralegals and enactment of the Plea Bargaining Policy in Kenya.
He has previously worked with refugees and LGBTIQ+ community. He is #MenofAmnesty honoree, (2020) International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) alumnus, (2019) and a top 35 under 35 award Kenya nominee, (2021)
Previously he was the Legal Aid Manager at Justice defenders (formerly African Prison Project (APP)), a UK based Charity organization operating in Kenya, UK, Gambia and Uganda. In his role, he oversaw the establishment of 12 prison based legal aid clinics, training of over 150 prison officers and inmates as paralegals and enactment of the Plea Bargaining Policy in Kenya.
He has previously worked with refugees and LGBTIQ+ community. He is #MenofAmnesty honoree, (2020) International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) alumnus, (2019) and a top 35 under 35 award Kenya nominee, (2021)