Laura Nathalie Hernández
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2 years 4 monthsFirst name
Laura Nathalie
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Independent researcher
El Salvador
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Author Profile
Laura Nathalie Hernández Rivera is a Salvadoran lawyer that specializes in technology. She monitors public policy and legislation-related events and initiatives related to human rights and technology in Latin America. She has a Ph.D. in Law studies from the Federal University of Ceará in Brazil and holds a LL. M. on High Tech Laws and Intellectual Property from the University of Santa Clara in the U.S. She works as a consultant and legal advisor in processes of technological transformation, personal data and information security compliance, and digital human rights. Member of the Advisory Board of Oxfam's Global Digital Justice program. Professor and mentor in Technology Law at universities in El Salvador and Brazil. She is the author of research papers and opinion articles on Tech Law.
Former reviewer of academic articles on Tech Law for the Public Policy Brazilian Magazine of Public Policies of the University Center of Brasilia, Brazil, and the Chilean Magazine of Law and Technology of the University of Chile
Former reviewer of academic articles on Tech Law for the Public Policy Brazilian Magazine of Public Policies of the University Center of Brasilia, Brazil, and the Chilean Magazine of Law and Technology of the University of Chile